Landscaping Castello dei Pecorari

poolmain04First impressions count.

As a guest, your first impression will be of the estate and the view of the castle as you arrive. So we want to make sure that we capture a little bit of the magic that you will experience during your stay, and integrate this into the design for the landscaping outside of the castle walls.

Our vision is to clear and prune back what has, over the years, become an entangled and overgrown mass of woodland and bushes, and in its place to create an appropriate design that supplements the existing trees and gardens with some creative planting and landscaping. We want to create a design that is sympathetic to both the local region but also to what you will experience as a guest.

Part of our discussions have been whether we will be allowed to have a Pool, given the historic importance of the castle to the local landscape, and whether that pool should be inside or outside of the castle walls. Other discussions have been how best to create areas to escape and find solitude, yet still allow us to retain some flexibility over how we use them.

All of this detailed planning needs expert advice, and we were fortunate to find Simon Corkhill and his business partner James XXXX from the local Le Marche firm of “Giardini e Piscine”. Simon And James’ portfolio of creating stunning designs that integrate pools, formal gardens and informal spaces together with their enthusiasm and flexibility made them quickly fit in to our expanding team of experts and advisors.

We met up with Simon and James during our site visit in February, and together with our Project Manager and architect, Ingr Antonio Marconi, we were able to evaluate possible locations for the pools, the challenge of where best to establish the car park without running the landscape and the key areas that would need designing.

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